The people of Kazakhstan are protesting against the dictatorship of power!
Statement of the Political Movement “Group-24” on the entry of Tajik troops into Kazakhstan
The arbitrariness of the security forces in the city of Khoroge provocated popular unrest
Statement by the Political movement “Group 24” on the recent events in Khorog
Today, the martyr Umarali Kuvvatov would have turned 53 years old
President’s Day of Tajikistan turned into Rakhmonov’s birthday!
Rakhmatjoni Mahmadzhon sentenced by the Rakhmonov regime to 20 years
9 years of events in Khorog. The perpetrator is still not punished
Eid al-Fitr — A Celebration of Victory and God-Consciousness. Congratulations!
A Year in the Dictator’s Captivity: Remembering Suhrob Zafar and Nasimjon Sharipov
Open Letter to the OSCE Secretary General
Dilshod Sharipov Elected as New Leader of political movement “Group 24”