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Thursday, March 27, 2025

The founder of the political movement “Group-24” Umarali Kuvvatov would have turned 55 today

Today, November 21, the leader of the political movement “Group 24,” Umarali Kuvvatov would have turned 55 years old.

During his short life and his not very long political activity, he was able not only to shake the foundations of the autocratic regime of Rakhmonov(The President of Tajikistan since 1994) side, but also to direct many young people along the way of fighting oppression and tyranny, thus leaving behind political strength. Today, his movement has thousands of members and supporters and is at the forefront of the fight against the dictatorial and corrupt system of the Rakhmonova family clan. This movement became one of the main forces of political opponents of the Rakhmonov regime.

Now a large number of members and supporters of this political movement are fighting against repressive policies and the dictatorial system not only in Europe, but also in other countries, and this political movement has many followers and supporters within Tajikistan.

Rakhmonov’s dictatorial regime planned to extinguish the fire ignited by Umarali Kuvvatov by murder, but miscalculated. The physical destruction of Umarali Kuvvatov led to the beginning of his spiritual life. The fire of the hearts of dozens of people became brighter and gradually illuminated the path of the minds and hearts of thousands of our compatriots following the path of political awakening and the struggle against the dictatorial regime of Rakhmonov.

Dear Leader, Umarali Kuvvatov,
Sleep calmly and peacefully! Because your business is alive! Not far away is the day when followers and supporters of your political school, along with other opposition forces, will free the oppressed people of Tajikistan from the tyrant Rakhmonov.

May your soul be happy, your abode in the afterlife is prosperous, your memory is revered!

Political movement “Group 24”

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