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Sunday, March 9, 2025

New Year’s greetings from “Group of 24”

 Dear Tajiks!

The past year was difficult not only for the residents of Tajikistan, but also for the entire world community. The pandemic of coronovirus is still not stopped, the economy of the whole world is experiencing difficulties. But it is especially difficult for residents of those countries where the government is concerned only with its problems and the preservation of power. The insidious disease Сovid exposed all the problems of Tajikistan and once again we saw the true face of Rakhmonov. We have witnessed how we are brazenly able to lie to our people and even to the whole world Rakhmonov and deny the obvious. Until now, our government claims: “There is no coronovirus in Tajikistan!”

 But unfortunately, many families in our country suffered losses, many relatives and friends passed away. We were left alone with trouble. Our health care system is not able to cope with this flow of patients, we do not have the necessary equipment and qualified personnel. Without connections and money, it is impossible to get to the hospital and get proper care. Officials fly to be treated abroad, and a simple person can only pray to the God. We felt especially acutely that during the years of Rakhmonov’s reign the system of health care, education was destroyed, corruption was everywhere and everything was decided by acquaintances and kinship.

Many of our compatriots were left without work, and those who worked abroad also had difficulties. And once again we realized that we can only count on ourselves, the Rakhmonov government will calmly watch the people starve to death. There is no money for social assistance in the treasury. But to celebrate on the scale of the 30th anniversary of independence, money was found. Rakhmonov knows how to ask for money and international humanitarian assistance for the people from the entire world community, but the people do not see this help, everything settles in the pockets of the Rakhmon family.

The difficult situation rallied many Tajiks, instilled confidence in the correctness of those who have been fighting against the tyranny of Rakhmonov for many years. This year, many new associates joined us.

But we suffered heavy losses, unfortunately, in 2021 the leader of our movement in Russia, Rakhmatjoni Makhmajon, was abducted by order of Rakhmonov and deported to Tajikistan. This crime once again shows that Rakhmonov is not able to engage in dialogue and will not stop at anything for the sake of preserving power. There is no Law for him, and the current ruler of Tajikistan has long forgotten about Honor and Dignity.

But we, the glorious people of Tajikistan, always helped each other in trouble, always acted on honor and dignity, always honored our ancestors and remembered our history. And no matter how difficult the situation is, we will cope, we will support each other. Together we are a great force!

May the New Year 2022 be a year of accomplishment, may it bring prosperity to our lands and deliverance from tyranny.

And let our relatives and friends not get sick. We wish everyone health and happiness in the new year 2022!

Political movement «Group 24»

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