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Tyrant and killer of the nation calls supporters of democracy “extremists”

Rage of demonstrations and protests started on 27th of July 2014 and continued up to 3th of October 2014. The administration of political movements “Group24” and “Youth for revival of Tajikistan” had been trust on Tajik people’s prepare and supports, so wished to hold a peaceful demonstrations on 10th of October 2014, at the Somoni avenue, Dushanbe. The plan for demonstration was already arranged, the leaders of the movements had hold several demonstrations and protests in different cities of Russia and were simultaneously getting ready for a peaceful gathering. Umarali Quvvatov had been speaking to the people via radio internet “Zello”, “Новый Таджикистан 2”, opposition news media exile and social internet sites for over a month. This way he wanted to inform the people and followers of the opposition movements inside and outside of the country. Kuvvatov was against the dictatorship, cruelty, political limitations, corruption, nationalism and violation of human rights by Rahmonov and his relatives. He emphasized on a necessary peaceful demonstration inside Tajikistan.

Emamali Rahmonov and his supporters were promulgated during the stream of demonstrations of Tajik citizen’s in Russian Federation. They had been shaken by listening daily news from the concerned authorities, news agencies and the embassies. Rahmonov ordered his followers to solve this issue as soon as possible. They accepted a difficult responsibility. All protests were held according with democratic principles, in spite of this they must be dissent the oppositions by a legal way, because Russian government, several news media, opposition international political news agents and international community were observing stream of the movements. They had to prevent the opposition’s movements by any means and concurrently reduce or mute any and all criticism of the government of Tajikistan. According to the plan, GCNS and General Prosecution of the Republic of Tajikistan asked the High Court to entitle the opposition political movements “Group24” and “Youth for revival of Tajikistan” extremist groups, which did not match with any reference to the constitution.

A question arises: What is extremism?

The internationally accepted definition reads: “Extremism (from Greek: Extremus-not capable of negotiation, strict, excessive in idea) means to support or follow excessive rumor and theories (habitually in politics). Extremist activities involve provocation of instabilities, terrorist activities and implementation of partisan war”.

In which opposition actions can extremism be seen? Speeches, events, plans and duties of administration of political movements never calls for instabilities, terrorist activities or partisan war. By which reason has the Excellency General Prosecution of Republic of Tajikistan, which is supposed to be separate and independent from the government, taken this resolution if it is not control by Rahmon nor under his will? Holding peaceful demonstrations in all cities of Russia can be examples that never could see such callings.

Article 29th of Tajikistan’s constitution guarantees: “A citizen shall have the right to take part in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, and Peaceful processions prescribed by the law”.

So why can citizens of Tajikistan not participate in any assembly, rallies, demonstrations or peaceful processions? And why are the rights and freedoms of the citizens, which are guaranteed by the constitution not being fulfilled? According to the Article 1 of the constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan: “The Republic of Tajikistan shall be a sovereign, democratic, law-based, secular and unitary state”. Why are in a law-based country, the rights of citizens, which are guaranteed by the constitution not obeyed?

Not only the above instances and articles of the constitution are not obeyed, there are many other examples.

Article 1: “Tajikistan is a social oriented state, shall provide relevant living conditions for every person”. (Where can you see it in the present Tajikistan?)

Article 5: “Man, his rights and liberties shall be the supreme value. The life, honor, dignity, and other natural human rights shall be inviolable. The rights and liberties of the man and citizens shall be recognized, observed and protected by the state”. (On the contrary, in Tajikistan only Rahmon and his relatives are inviolable, they have bounded the citizen’s rights and freedoms).

Article 6: “The usurpation of power or appropriation of its powers shall be prohibited”. (Was the state of Tajikistan not usurped by Rahmon?)

Article 7: “The territory of Tajikistan shall be indivisible and inviolable. Tajikistan shall consist of the regions Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region, towns, districts, settlements, and villages. The Constitutional Law shall define the procedure of establishing and changing of administrative and border units”. (For what reason was a part of Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region, on 1th of October 2011, without informing and involvement of people given to the People’s Republic of China?).


Article 9: “State power shall be exercised on the basis of the separation of the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches”. (So, why are all three branches of the state under Rahmonov and his family’s dominion?)

Article 10: “The Constitution of Tajikistan shall have supreme legal force and its norms shall have direct effect. Laws and other legal acts that contradict the Constitution shall be of no legal validity”. (The project of the absurd law “Leader of the nation” was accepted illegally and added to the constitution, in spite of it being against this article and article 6)

Article 19: “Everyone shall be guaranteed judicial protection. Everyone’s case shall be entitled to consideration by a competent, independent, and impartial court established according to the law. No one shall be kept in custody or be arrested without a legal basis. Everyone shall be entitled to use the assistance of an attorney from the moment of their arrest”. (Example of court processes, most of businesspersons and politicians, Zaid Saidov’s court process is violating this article and abusing the constitution).

The dictatorial regime of Rahmonov will infinitely continue violating the law. There are many such examples that repeat constantly during the events inside Tajikistan.

Political movements “Group24” and “Youth for revival of Tajikistan” were restricted inside Tajikistan and announced “extremist groups”. Upon this action, Rahmonov facilitated a good background to horror the people and persecute the dissidents. In addition, all concerned authorities, particularly defense troops were equipped with good conditions of fighting to suppress the peaceful protest. There were such reports that Rahmonov requested from the People’s Republic of China to send him internal military and Special Forces in order to repress the demonstration. In front of all governmental and non-governmental organizations and assemblies, the police and GCNS’s gunmen gathered to stop the people forcefully and add pressure on them. On 9th and 10th of October 2014, groups of concerned authorities and military vehicles were located in every corner and avenue of the city. The people were detained from streets and conveyed to police stations. Rahmonov’s regime was ready to hold a genocide against his nation on that day.

The heads of both movements observed people’s political situation and concluded that holding a protest with blood and murder of the nation is not useful, especially after Pamir’s happenings. Tyrant Rahmonov had good enough experience on conquering and killing his nation. Umarali Quvvatov via “Zello” and news channels told the people not to come out for 10th of October’s peaceful protests and explained the potential outcomes and results.


Group 24

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