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Tuesday, April 1, 2025

The Round Table

On September 2, 2014 at the Moscow House of Nationalities a round table was held on “Interaction of public authorities and civil society in matters of harmonization of interethnic and inter-confessional relations” organized by the Department of interregional cooperation of national policy and relations with religious organizations in Moscow. Among the many state and public organizations of the Russian Federation, it was also attended by representatives of social and political movements of the “Group 24” and “Youth of Tajikistan for the revival of Tajikistan.” These opposition movements have received so much attention. Thanks to the active work among migrant workers in a variety of activities and places of large accumulations of Tajiks, as well as holding meetings and rallies in Moscow. The event made Maksud Ibragimov leader of the movement “Youth of Tajikistan for the revival of Tajikistan”, who reported on the “Protecting the rights of migrant workers in modern Russia: the interaction with the state. Government and civil society. “In his report, he outlined the program goals and objectives of both movements. Ibragimov also stressed the importance of the problem of social and political movements in assistance to migrant workers in the adaptation of employment in the Russian Federation, the study of Russian language and the Russian migration legislation. The round table was also attended and made presentations such officials as the Inspector of the RF Federal Migration Service in Moscow AM Maksimenko; activist ND Nikolaev; director of the Moscow Center of the Moscow House of Nationalities Integration AB Drozhzhin; 4 deputy chief of department of extremism State Center for counteraction to the Interior Ministry in Moscow, police Lt. Col. D. Sh Belyalov, and others. Also present was the press secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan M. Egamzod. When the part of the opposition voiced a specific program and a plan of action to solve important problems, M. Egamzod – representative Rahmon for his part presented the rolls of Tajik songs and dances that show 24 hours a day, 364 days Tajik TV channels for a year. It only deals with Tajik people. No software, no action plans to address any results over the past decade, but only regression and concerts on all TV channels in the Republic of Tajikistan. “What the governor – and such a representative.”

It should be noted the importance of this event for both social and political movements in the way of their formation, as a real full-fledged socio-political organizations abroad, registration and recognition of their legal status and weight.

The event took place the first and last meeting with the opposition representatives of the authorities of Tajikistan, to show them that there is opposition. It has a real people’s power that it can change for the better of Tajikistan. “Change of Tajikistan – Gastrbayter on Tajikistan – Avicenna and Khayyam.”

Representatives of the opposition clearly expressed that sat at the same table with the representative Rahmon, only to show off, and this will be no more. This meeting was another cause for concern for Rahmon and he began to beg and plead with the Russian government to counteract the activities of the “Group of 24” and “Youth of Tajikistan for the revival of Tajikistan” on the territory of the Russian Federation to replace the national interests of the Republic of Tajikistan. An example is the deal “on the 201st Russian military base” and “migrant workers”, the deal on the functioning and monopolization of certain spheres of economy of the Republic of Tajikistan by the Russian companies and others. (We’ll discuss in more detail on each of these agreements in the future analytical articles).

So, will the Russian government’s strategic and geopolitical mistake have an impact on the interests of Rahmon’s regime in this case? Time will tell.


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Group 24

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