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Thursday, March 27, 2025

The path that Umarali Kuvvatov laid at the cost of life continues

The path that Umarali Kuvvatov laid at the cost of life continues

Today marks the 8th anniversary of the brutal murder of the founder of the political movement “Group 24″ Umarali Kuvvatov. Although we are moving away from this terrible date, the more we believe in the correctness of the path chosen by this freedom-loving and patriotic person.

Umarali Kuvvatov began the struggle after the expropriation of his property by Rakhmonov’s entourage, and after the creation of the political movement”Group 24” in Russian Federation, he went a steep and dangerous path, first from Russia to Dubai,UAE and then to Turkey. He was repeatedly imprisoned, but with firm will, unparalleled courage and justice gathered around him and united his like-minded people and founded a political movement.

The arrival of Umarali Kuvvatov on the battlefield alarmed Rakhmonov’s dictatorial regime. Rakhmonov(the President of Tajikistan since 1994) felt against himself a great strength and fell in pursuit of the elimination of Umarali Kuvvatov. At first, he wanted to arrest Umarali Kuvvatov and extradite him to Tajikistan, but Rakhmonov’s attempt was not crowned with success, because Umarali Kuvvatov after his arrest, was released and continued his begun struggle against the dictatorial regime.

After many stubborn failures, Rakhmonov nevertheless sent a group of mercenaries to Istanbul. The killers, pretending to be like-minded people, entered Kuvvatov’s trust, invited him to the house, where they first poisoned him and when Kuvvatov felt bad, he left the house, where a killer was waiting for him on the street. He was shot dead on March 5, 2015 in front of his family.

Rakhmonov thought that by eliminating Umarali Kuvvatov, he would eliminate the organization and like-minded people, but the political movement “Group 24” became even more united, after the shooting of its founder and freedom-loving man united associates around the world.

This political organization subsequently went beyond Russia and Turkey and spread to the countries of Europe and America, became one of the political organizations opposing the autocratic government of Tajikistan, and was recognized by international human rights organizations and countries of the European and American Union.

Today,the political movement “Group 24” has many followers and supporters at homeland and abroad over the world.

The path that Umarali Kuvvatov paved with his life continues. This is the path of justice and truth. This is the way to fight oppression and tyranny, against corruption and family rule, the way to achieve freedom, the way to build a new legal and democratic Tajikistan.

On this day, it is appropriate to recall the name of the founder of the political movement “Group 24” Umarali Kuvvatov, talk about his difficult work, courage and courage and his short but rich life and ask God to bless his soul. Let his place be heaven and his grave filled with light.

Political movement “Group 24”

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