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Games in ping-pong Rakhmonov with coronovirus

In January 2021, Rakhmonov declared a complete victory over the coronovirus and proudly listened to praise speeches addressed to him, boldly arranged public festivities in his honor and holidays.

But from the beginning of May, unofficial messages began to be received from employees of medical institutions, laboratories, relatives and the patients themselves about the presence of cases of coronovirus in Tajikistan. The Ministry of Health responds to these reports and says that now hospitalizations of people with lung problems have increased in the country, but you should not worry, tests for coronovirus are negative.

On May 19, Abdumavlon Abdullozoda, head of the Sogd branch of the state service of sanitary and epidemiological supervision, said that a Saudi citizen who lived in a hotel in the city of Buston passed a positive test for coronovirus at the Lukmoni Hakim health center. And in the media, reports began to appear about confirmed cases of coronovirus in the country with reference to the words of the official. The response of the authorities: a week later Abdumavlon Abdullozoda was removed from office, and the second test of a Saudi citizen sent to Dushanbe turned out to be negative. Local officials report that the situation is under control. But at the same time, patients with pneumonia continue to enter hospitals.

On June 12, information appeared with reference to the Diamed private laboratory that on June 8 in Dushanbe alone they identified about 100 cases of coronovirus, other laboratories also confirm their presence of positive tests. The Ministry of Health claims that this information is not true, there is no coronovirus. Public hospitals do not recognize the tests of private laboratories, they make their own and, of course, they turn out to be negative.

On June 13, the Head Doctor of the clinic number 13 Dushanbe Homid Khomizoda reports that 10 residents on his site identified coronovirus, but a day later claims the opposite.

On the same day, Emomali Mirzoev, a spokesman for the Ministry of Health, finally decided to make an official statement amid increasing rumors about the presence of coronovirus in the country, but he would rather be silent. How could an official from the Ministry of Health give the following: “sick people consumed ice water in the midst of the heat, bathed in cold reservoirs, they have tuberculosis”??? It turns out that tuberculosis appears from the use of cold water according to the logic of the official.

Again, a brazen lie, an obvious lie from the authorities and already realizing that it is impossible to lie further, on June 21, the authorities finally recognize: there is a coronovirus in the country. And at the same time, as always, citizens themselves are accused of all problems, they say they do not want to wear masks and do not use antiseptics. But who since January has been saying through all channels to the people that there is no coronovirus??? So the citizens lost their vigilance.

The problem of coronovirus clearly showed the true face of the current government: once again we catch Rakhmonov on lies, you cannot believe such power. Well-being and health of the population are not important, even if we die, but Rakhmonov will not give money. After all, if you recognize the scale of the problem, people will not be able to work, and this is a nightmare for the authorities, it will be necessary to allocate funds to support the population, to fight the disease, to treat.

To date, we are talking about overcrowded hospitals and hundreds of patients, but the authorities only watched the situation and did not take any measures at all. Now they are beginning to urge the population to be urgently vaccinated when they waited for humanitarian assistance from the UN in the form of an Indian-made AstraZaneca vaccine, which some European countries refused due to the risk of side effects. There is no campaign to promote vaccination, nothing is explained to the population.

And as always, when the situation in the country is difficult, Rakhmonov disappears, hides from the press and is silent, pretending that nothing is happening.

Political movement “Group 24”

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