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December 10 – Human Rights Day. Tajikistan is one of the world leaders in the violation of human rights

On December 10, Human Rights Day is celebrated worldwide, officially established in 1950 by the UN General Assembly. 

Fundamental human rights can be personal, political, socio-economic, cultural, environmental.

• Personal rights each person receives from birth, they do not depend on citizenship, gender, age, race, religion. These include the right to life, to personal dignity; inviolability of the person, home; prohibition of forced labour; freedom of movement, conscience and religion and others.
• Political rights are the fundamental constitutional rights of citizens that guarantee participation in the public and political life of the country. These include equality before the law; freedom of conscience, speech and the press, freedom of assembly and others.

• Socio-economic rights: the right to work and freedom of work, the right to education and medical care and others.
• Cultural rights – the right to receive education in the mother tongue, freedom of creativity and teaching and others.

The Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan guarantees respect for fundamental human rights. They are fixed in the second chapter.

Over the years, various international organizations have been sounding the alarm and calling on the world community to draw attention to the situation of systematic human rights violations in Tajikistan. There are many violations, but there are those that cannot be noticed, most often the following are listed in international reports: illegal detentions, beatings and torture by security forces; violation of the right to privacy and home; The prosecution and detention of civil and political activists, journalists and lawyers; widespread censorship, restriction of access to information, criminal punishment for criticizing the authorities; violation of the rights to peaceful assembly; violations of religious freedoms; restriction of freedom of movement; trafficking and forced labour.

Despite numerous reports on human rights violations in Tajikistan, Rakhmonov strongly pretends that nothing is happening, government delegations offensively leave international conferences where these problems are voiced. And the situation is not that it does not change, it is getting worse. Realizing that all his actions go unpunished, Rakhmonov every year comes up with new laws restricting the basic rights of our citizens. Laws, whose purpose is to strengthen the ruling clan in power and enrich it.

In normal civilized countries, human rights are a basic value, guarded by respect for which, both power and a fair independent judiciary. We have a guarantor of human rights -Rakhmonov and courts that obey him. In all kinds of world rankings of countries where the rights and freedoms of citizens are assessed, Tajikistan is either absent at all, since it does not provide statistical data and in every way prevents their collection and receipt, or takes the last lines. Even our closest neighbors Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan have much better human rights affairs according to world ratings. So, for example, in the recently updated world
ranking on the state of political and civil liberties, Freedom House, our country was in 197 place out of 210 countries of the world. And everything goes to the fact that for several more years our country will be the last on this list. If all remain inactive and silent, Tajikistan will eventually become a country of free slaves.

On December 10, Human Rights Day, we want to remind the Tajiks that by the right of birth to people, by the right of our human being, we have the right to freedom and a decent life, and no one, no Rakhmonov has the right to deprive us of this.

Group of 24 political movement

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