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Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Statement of the Political Movement “Group-24” in connection with the murder of Makhmadbokir Makhmadbokirov

 Today, the media reported that on the afternoon of May 22, 2022, one of the unofficial leaders of Badakhshan, Makhmadbokir Makhmadbokirov, was killed, whom the authorities called the organizer and the main culprit of the recent anti-government protests in the GBAO. According to the Khovar agency, with reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), the murder occurred “as a result of an internal conflict.” The report called Makhmadbokir Makhmadbokirov “the leader of an organized criminal group in Barkhorog.”

The political movement “Group 24” believes that the murder of Makhmadbokir Makhmadbokirov was the work of the criminal government of Rakhmonov(The president of Tajikistan since 1994­). As one of the most influential unofficial leaders of GBAO, he was one of those brave people who stood up to the tyranny of the repressive regime and defended the rights of the people. He, with the support of the population, called on the GBAO government to conduct a fair investigation into the events of November 2021 and punish those responsible for the murder of Ziebekov. The criminal government sought to get rid of him, and the authorities fabricated the case, accusing him of beating Lutfullo Navruzov, the head of the Badakhshan education department, and on February 2, Mahmadbokir Mahmadbokirov was charged with “using force against a civil servant and inciting hatred.” He denied all charges.

And finally, a plan for a brutal massacre was prepared. After dispersing civilians in the Rushan region and killing 25 unarmed people, Makhmadbokir Makhmadbokirov was also killed. And this crime, like hundreds of other crimes, the authorities shifted to others.

The political movement “Group 24” strongly condemns these vile actions of the Rakhmonov regime and expresses condolences to the relatives of Makhmadbokir Makhmadbokirov.

Mahmadbokir did not surrender to the government until the last moment and proudly met his death. The name and exploits of this martyr of the right way will undoubtedly remain an outstanding symbol of courage, courage and freedom in our hearts and in the hearts of future generations.


Political movement “Group-24”

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