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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Message to parliament or New Year’s imaginations of Rakhmonov

 On December 21 Rakhmonov(The Presindent of Tajikistan since 1994) made the annual message to parliament. This year the message was special as 2021 was year of the 30-th anniversary of independence of Tajikistan. Therefore Rakhmonov moved results of all 30-th anniversary and constantly went on about achievements of the country during independence finding.

Almost 3-hour performance was broadcast by all state-run TV channels. Periodically the speech of the president was interrupted by standing ovations of officials as the sign of gratitude and respect before Rakhmonov’s merits. However, officials didn’t know, where exactly it is necessary to applaud and Rakhmonov helped them, significantly looked at audience and made theatrical pauses.

So, it is short about the main thing from Rakhmonov’s performance:

Rakhmonov is a hero

The performance began with the story that new Tajikistan is a stable, uniform, happy Tajikistan and it is result of big work and Rakhmonov’s merit. Once again Rakhmonov reminded how he heroically stopped bloody civil war and executed will of the people, having become the President.

Well, and further, fantastic figures as the direct proof of merits of Rakhmonov and prosperity of the country sounded, in style “in 1991 it was absolutely bad, and here now, thanks to me, indicators grew in so many time”. For example, the volume of agricultural products was 11 billion somoni in 1992 and grew to 40 billion in 2021, that is almost by 4 times. Here only at calculations absolute measures in national currency undertook in attention, the rate of inflation wasn’t considered, well and realities of life and a condition for development of the state it is impossible to compare simply 30 years ago and today.

It is impossible to take seriously all proofs of development of the state read by Rakhmonov in 30 years already, only after the following comparison: “If in 1991 the number of subscribers of telephone communication made only 277 thousand people, then in 2021 the number only of subscribers of mobile communication reached more than 8 million people”. He in general thinks that he speaks? How it is possible to compare these indicators?


Rakhmonov and a topic of the day of providing the country with energy resources didn’t avoid. According to the speaker, he for achievement of power independence of all 30 years built hydroelectric power station, the power line and updated 75% of power infrastructure of the country. By 2011 the integrated power grid is created and steady activity of this sphere is provided. Here it is only unclear why in 2021, as well as in previous years, the population of the country with the onset of cold weather received the electric power according to the schedule? And officials explained blackout with repair work and why to repair what Rakhmonov already updated? 

Still Rakhmonov pleased listeners with the fact that 98% of the electric power are manufactured in Tajikistan at the expense of water resources and present only, on percent of production of “green energy” Tajikistan is in number of 6 advanced countries of the planet!!! This achievement. And that we lack this electric power catastrophically I held back it.

Problems at all

The speaker complained about world problems: Again around the world recession of economy, climate change, food prices raise, Covid-19 doesn’t recede. Generally, don’t judge strictly, all it is heavy now. Rakhmonov once again emphasized that in the country there is no Covid-19, but be not careless!

Health care and education

I touched also upon a health care subject, here he built 30 years objects for health care, prepared shots for medicine, but there are no doctors sensible, people prefer to be treated by the abroad.

About education the same how many he constructed educational institutions on how many there are more opportunities to study in modern Tajikistan was told approximately. Here only programs of training of teachers bad. Also I instructed: to train teachers of mathematics with knowledge of foreign languages. The strange solution of problems in the industry of education.

Again promises

After Rakhmonov told what he made in 30 years, he began to tell what he still will make. Also I offered 2022-2026, that is prior to the celebration of the 35 anniversary of independence, to announce for “Years of development of the industry”. Directly, as return to Soviet period, again “five-years periods”, loud promises, and result all of us know. A lot of things Rakhmonov this time promised, including again undertook to reach in 7 years of full power independence though I said just an hour ago that he reached it.

Afghanistan. Rakhmonov again hero

At the end of the performance, I remembered Afghanistan, I emphasized that the main problem is an external intervention, and again I returned to that from what the beginnings: “We won’t forget results of intervention of foreign circles that became the reason of civil war”. Well and again a favorite subject “I presented the world and prosperity to Tajikistan”. He called on the world community to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, and instructed his Government to take measures to assist the fraternal Afghan people in the form of providing their logistical capabilities. That is, we will help Afghanistan as follows: we will receive and distribute humanitarian assistance. Rakhmonov’s wife will distribute, she has a lot of experience in this area.

Well, the speech ended on a joyful note: Rakhmonov instructed that within 6 months all responsible persons should develop a plan of events for a worthy meeting of the 35th anniversary of Independence! Note on a large scale, and it is not necessary to solve problems, let’s report that everything is fine.

As you can see, we tried to treat Rakhmonov’s message to parliament with humor. But as they say: it would be ridiculous if it were not so scary!

Political movement “Group 24”

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